Section 4 Understanding Salvation - 14 The Path Of Salvation

The Path of Salvation

To explain the Path of Salvation, God likened it to a Strategic Plan. I came from a business background. So, He used the Strategic Plan development model. This explanation appealed to me logically.

There are three parts to a company’s Strategic plan:

  1. Vision/ Mission Statement: This is a description of the desired future of a company

  2. Current Reality: An assessment of where the company currently stands. It is an analysis of the company's internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.

  3. Closing the Gap: The third step is the company’s plan to go from where it is now (current situation) to where it wants to be (vision/mission). This is when the company defines its objectives, goals and action plans - the strategy on how to get from where a company is to where it wants to be.

Here’s how God applied this same model to the Path of Salvation.

1 The Vision/Mission Statement

The will of God is one:

For all of creation to be one in Me.

God’s Explanation of this union:

All is God and God is all.

God’s will is a complete return of all of creation to what and how God intended creation to be.

2 Our Current Reality

We all individually have created a self that is different from who God is. We


have created a life, individually and collectively, that is so far from the life God intended for us.

To assess my own personal current situation, God led me through an internal and external examination of myself - internally by comparing who I have become versus what it truly means to be one in God, and externally by comparing our world and the life we lead versus the life God wants us to have.

3 Closing the Gap

Sanctification (the chalice)

Purification (the candle)

Ordination (The Holy Spirit - YHWH)

Glorification (The Holy Eucharist)

This is the Way of the Cross.
This is the Path of Salvation

In strategic planning, to close the gap, the company outlines it’s key or long-term objectives/goals. These goals are what the company has to achieve to realize its vision. These goals cut across all areas of a company.

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